
/ How does the Matching key work?

    1. You have access to 3 free tests.
    2. Enjoy the free games and get to know us in the process.
    3. MyLoveCode is based on more than 120,000 comparison tests.
    4. The test is based on the 5x similarity rule and compares various synchronous energies (about 80 comparison algorithms) from different levels, such as: spirituality, sexuality, love, friendship, hostility, personal development, marriage, permanence, biorhythms, and facial similarity (comparison of pictures).
    5. We present the result of the basic analysis in percentage (%) = number of stars, divided into: harmony, sexuality, spirituality. In the harmony result, we consider all individual results from all algorithms, including those for sexuality and spirituality. The harmony result is the most important outcome for predicting the success of a relationship in this evaluation.
      The result of the premium analysis is also presented in percentage (%) = number of stars, divided into: harmony, sexuality, spirituality, extended by the energetic matrix of the letters of the first and last names according to Pythagoras, and the degree of facial similarity (comparison of pictures).
    6. It is a clear mathematical-statistical concept that calculates an energy balance between two people, based on real scientific principles, and has nothing to do with magic, prophecy, or esotericism.
    7. Many well-known scientists, including Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, Carl Gustav Jung, and Johannes Kepler, sought the shortest and most efficient paths. We have applied some of this knowledge in the development of the MyLoveCode algorithms.
    8. Every person is made up not only of matter but also forms a unique energetic matrix. This matrix is also defined by a series of algorithms that take into account the following parameters:
    • Date of birth – we are all subject to the effects of gravity at birth, which is responsible for the order in both the cosmos and our solar system.
    • First and last names – corresponding to Pythagoras’ energetic matrix, where each letter carries a unique energetic charge. This option is additionally available in the premium version.
    • Physical similarity between two people – available as an additional option in the premium version.