
/ Reasons for use

  • MyLoveCode was primarily developed to make the first date easier for two singles. We aim to establish a synchronous connection between potential partners. You are always in control because automatically, your 100 billion neurons and those of the other person are activated when two people meet.
  • A high result indicates a high probability of the right compatibility and a strong flow of harmonious energy. We do not guarantee wedding bells. How you use the result is entirely up to you.
  • Another goal of the project is to save your time. The analysis only takes a few moments – unlike most dating websites, where you have to fill out long forms.
  • You are beautiful! Your energy is beautiful! Let it radiate from you and discover through our test who your true potential partner could be!
  • Always remember: You don’t fall in love with someone just because they are beautiful. You fall in love primarily with the beautiful energy of a person that matches yours. With this energy, you can then resonate.
  • Intuition (*) is superior to reason. Let it guide you at least during the first meeting to determine if you are a good match. This does not mean that you should forget to use your reason as well.

According to sexologist John Money, we fall in love based on our internal love-energy map, which develops throughout our life starting from childhood and solidifies into a pattern when we grow older and begin searching for potential partners. Thus, we form an unconscious mental image that is compared with reality. The greater the overlap between this pattern and the pattern of the other person we meet, the higher the chances of falling in love with them.

If your energy matching parameters after our test are very low, but you still want to meet your potential partner, then just do it!