
/ Disinformation through ideals of beauty

The popular beauty ideal in society is based on an aesthetic ideal concept, which can be measured by the golden ratio.

So-called experts who promote this false beauty ideal have no idea of the fundamental pillars on which true dream relationships are based. No one needs to diminish their dating potential by comparing themselves to Scarlett Johansson or Brad Pitt. MyLoveCode has uncovered and debunked these universal falsehoods.

To unlock the big secret behind dream relationships, we have used the latest findings from various areas of quantum theory to understand and harness the universal truth behind our dating potential and to give singles the chance to find a dream partner. All processes in living organisms, whether chemical or biological, are based on electromagnetic interactions. The enormous photon wavelengths emitted by the brain, in combination with the tunnel effect, can be linked to the phenomenon that C.G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli called “synchronicity.” Quantum theory can also be characterized as the physics of relationships and possibilities. A universal truth is that our social and cultural relationships go far beyond appearances and media propaganda, but this simple yet essential universal truth is not utilized by many singles. The false beauty ideal promoted by the media has become an insurmountable obstacle for many singles. The only universal truth, however, is that during a date, billions of neurons are activated in both singles. MyLoveCode helps you with this valuable knowledge to spice up your dating life.


  • Pierre Franckh, Das Gesetz der Resonanz
  • David Bohm im Penney Peirce, Seelenfrequenz
  • Dr. med. Lothar Hollerbach, Der Quanten-Code: Heilung und Selbstheilung durch die Ur-Energie
  • Thomas Görnitz, Brigitte Görnitz, Von der Quantenphysik zum Bewusstsein